Media Analytics

Objectives of Media Analytics Program:

1- Analyzing media content and foreseeing changes in the media digital environment at the local and global levels.
2- Producing all forms of digital radio and television programs using multimedia techniques, digital photography and montage.
3- Use of computers and technology in analyzing the data of all elements of journalistic work (report, article, investigation) and even press production techniques in an electronic digital way.
4- Developing media practices in light of benefiting from computer expertise, data science and information.
5- Localization of digitization in various media institutions (radio, press, television), including the shift towards digital archives.
6- Building observatories for big data analysis on social networks and sentiment analysis.
7- Creating mechanisms for public opinion polls on various issues based on electronic measurement and electronic surveys in a manner that serves national goals.
8- Creating media policies based on scientific analysis of international media platforms and documentary and recording programs.

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