1- Creativity and Invention: The university provides a supportive climate for knowledge discovery, and incubates and encourages development initiatives.
2- Quality and Excellence: The university is committed to quality standards in accordance with international indicators and standards in all outputs, whether scientific, research, professional or cultural, in order to achieve excellence and competitiveness.
3- Team spirit: in order to create an institutional and cultural atmosphere that encourages the idea of teamwork and teamwork spirit.
4- Belief and Commitment: The university is committed to protecting the cultural and civilizational heritage, and adheres to the moral charter and traditions of the university
5- Intellectual freedom: The university supports intellectual freedom within the framework of societal responsibility and respect for others, encourages intellectual pluralism and promotes a culture of tolerance.
6- Justice and Equal Opportunities: The university is committed to providing equal opportunities for all without discrimination based on religion, race, gender, or age.
7- Transparency: Commitment to transparency, justice, credibility and objectivity in all fields and respect for intellectual property rights in accordance with the laws regulating this locally and internationally.
Strategic Values
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