Dean's Word

The twenty-first century is the century of data in light of the revolution of technology and communications, so the University of Alexandria has established the Faculty of Computers and Data Science to be the locomotive of progress on the technology road to roam the planet in moments by graduating cadres capable of making and keeping pace with this tremendous development in all areas of data science from health data To business management data and e-commerce. And from smart systems to the security of all information systems, to media systems in all their forms and uses.

The Faculty of Computers and Data Science is one of the most important pillars of building the state and achieving sustainable development by paying attention to the fields of data science, artificial intelligence and distinguished scientific research. The Faculty of Computers and Data Science, Alexandria University, has a set of distinguished programs in technological disciplines that are irreplaceable in all universities. With the development of the faculty’s programs with strategic planning, we will achieve the best results and provide the local and international community with qualified graduates in all technological fields.


God grants success.

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